Issue 1/2000  -   ISSN 1470-9570


The articles can be downloaded as web page (html) or pdf-file by clicking on the title or the pdf-file button.


German Studies in the UK at the Beginning of the New Century: Unpredictability. and Challenge    pdf file
Nigel Reeves, Aston (pages 1-15)

Foreign-language learning with the new media: between the sanctuary of the classroom and the open terrain of natural language acquisition.    pdf file
Dietmar Rösler, Gießen (pages 16-31)

The strange history of der deutsche Michel: The role of national stereotypes in intercultural language teaching.    pdf file
Eda Sagarra, Dublin (pages 32-46)

Deutsch als fremde Wissenschaftssprache im nächsten Jahrhundert.    pdf file
Konrad Ehlich, München (pages 47-63)

Teaching Talk: Should students learn 'real German'?    pdf file
Sheila Watts, Cambridge (pages 64-82)

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Deutsch Plus. A Multi-Media Course for Beginners Learning German.    pdf-file
BBC Worldwide (1998) By Reinhard Tenberg and Susan Ainslie
Rezensiert von Ruth Rach (pages 83-84)

Internet für Philologen. Eine Einführung in das Netz der Netze.    pdf-file
(1999) von Oliver Gschwender unter Mitarbeit von Arno Müller
Rezensiert von Chris Hall (pages 85-88)

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