German as a Foreign Language
Teaching and Learning German in an Intercultural Context
Professor Claus Ehrhardt Urbino
Dr Diana Feick Auckland
Assoc. Professor Klaus Geyer Odense
Professor Chris Hall Chester
Dr Heiko F. Marten Mannheim
Professor Silke Mentchen Cambridge
Professor Melani Schroeter Reading
Guidelines for the layout of articles
Please use the template (schreibvorlage_gfl.doc) which contains the fonts and the correct margins for articles and reviews. Please also consult our style sheet (Stilblatt).
Articles can be submitted by email attachment in the format “Microsoft Word 97-2003”, a newer format or “Rich Text Format” to
Please also send a PDF version of your article to the same email address.
As a rule articles should not be longer than 15-18 pages or approx. 5000-6000 words, although longer articles may be accepted in exceptional cases. Your manuscript should include an abstract of up to 200 words and biographical information (position, principal research areas, recent publications) of up to 10 lines.
If you have any questions about the template, please contact the editors.
The Peer Review Process
GFL is a peer-reviewed journal. Manuscripts submitted for the sections “Articles” and “Teaching Methodology” are initially read by members of the editorial team (and in the case of special issues by the guest editors). If they comply with the subject matter and the quality requirements of the journal, they are anonymised and sent to two members of the journal’s Advisory Board for review. The reviewers are selected on the basis of their research interests and are required to submit their reviews within three weeks.In special cases a further review may be requested, and depending on the topic of the manuscript advice is sometimes sought from reviewers outside the Advisory Board.
The reviewers have to decide whether
- the manuscript should be published unchanged,
- the author should be invited to revise the manuscript, or
- the manuscript should be rejected.
In case of rejection, the reviewers may make suggestions to the author for further work on the subject which could lead to a publication in the journal.
The final decision on whether or not to publish the manuscript is taken by the editors on the basis of the reviews and their own judgment.
If the reviewers propose amendments, or when a manuscript is rejected, the author will receive an anonymised excerpt from the reviews. If the manuscript is revised along the lines proposed by the reviewers, the editors decide on its acceptance, if necessary with the assistance of the original reviewers.